what's happening in our creator economy — and the resources we need to thrive
Professional Database
This is the ultimate rolodex with over 500+ local film professionals — growing weekly — to nurture your local network.
Join the Collective today to gain access to your future collaborators!
Define your role and unique niche to make it easier for producers to connect with you.
catered for you
Specify where you live and work to localize and expand your community reach even farther.
community reach
community board
The community board is a specialized bulletin board for film professionals. See and post things here for the Collective, including but not limited to: job posts (both seeking and offering), offices for rent, film festival calls for submissions, and other queries.
Post job openings or search for hires tailored to your needs and skills. Find the next right fit for you
Grow your team
Peruse daily to see updates. Posts are boosted on social channels for extra attention.
stay updated
actors & talent
With data since 2012, we have a comprehensive registry of actors, models, and diverse talent locally who might be perfect for your next role. Hiring locally means investing locally and reducing the burden of transport and lodging for out-of-town talent — especially for longer shoots.
A localized platform to buy, sell, trade, or rent equipment. From state of the art cameras to C-Stands to dolly carts, you might never need to shuttle gear back and forth from LA again.
A growing catalog of available locations to shoot your next masterpiece. With the incomparable diversity in landscape, architecture, design, and natural environments available to us in the "805", shooting locally is a way to incentivize your budget, leave a smaller carbon footprint, and generate everlasting pride in a place we love to call home.
As The Collective's reputation grows, so too does our relationship with local businesses who are happy to offer discounts for travel, lodging, transport, catering, and other services that become essential for film production. We look forward to more partnerships as we expand these offerings.
Join the collective
A chance to be a part of something bigger — this is what you've been waiting for.